Monday, April 26, 2010


Sort of a continuation of the last discussion, regarding whether I should offer predesigned stationery packages. I've been browsing around on Etsy to see what, if anything, people offer in the way of custom candles, favors and stationery. I've been impressed with what I've found - there are some very talented artists and designers there. I, personally, have never thought of offering my items on Etsy. Then again, I thought that I would be making my every creation from scratch, from conception to completion. However, now that I'm giving serious thought to offering ready-made (though still customizable, to a certain extent) items, Etsy, to me, is very much an untapped resource. I think it's something that requires further thought and research - starting with you. Would you go to Etsy for your wedding invitations or favors? Why or why not?